
Welcome to the aerie of a curious—crazy—bird seeking stories for her cosmic adventure.

My Mind to Your Mind

Bird Brain Blog

So, you’ve wandered into unfamiliar territory seeking understanding and answers to your questions. Perhaps even amusement as you comb through these records of my thoughts.

Well! One thing is for sure, this is not a journey for the faint of heart. In fact, I give you this word of warning – proceed with caution. Many a thought has been lost to the labyrinth that is my mind.


And may you find a perspective of truth that broadens your own views.

I Am an Author

Why Do You Agonize Over Writing?

What is writer’s block, really? Here’s an idea… You’re not writing. 😑 Be honest, when was the last time you actually sat down with the intent to put words to paper?

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I Am an Author

You Are a Writer (Yes You Are!)

As writers and creative artists, we often doubt ourselves and the value of our work and words. What follows is an affirming reminder of your creative power. Read it and reread it in those moments when you are struggling with doubt and self-judgment, when you are feeling less-than or not good enough, and let these words remind you that you are a writer!

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My Thoughts to Your Thoughts

Why Should You Care What I Think?​

Whether or not you want to put your trust in me and try any of these products and/or services is completely your prerogative.

Trust, but verify.


If my personal experiences have somehow managed to convince you to make a purchase, I would be ever so grateful if you’d do so by using the links I’ve provided.

As an affiliate, in honor of full transparency, I do make a commission from your kind curiosity.

Which is one of the main reasons for this website. Because as a consumer, it occurred to me that if I’m willing to vouch for my purchases, why not get paid to do so? Especially if it’s being offered. In fact, I’ve been a source of free advertisement for some of these places for years!

You’re welcome, businesses… (눈_눈)

But no more! It is now the time for Krysten to make some coins for being a good customer. So if you would, please be so kind as to support me and my this business branch of mine. Thank you!


Most Recent Review

Web Design Plugin

— Elementor: My Favorite WordPress Plugin

From my perspective, this is one of the best WordPress plugins for design. I mean…I designed this site with it and see how good it looks! Look at it!

Elementor Review 2022

The Reviews

The Best WordPress Plugin

The Ascension

The Book

From one writer to another, here are some quick tips to help banish that infamous, "Writer's Block".